Question for Week 4
Pragmatism and Feminist Epistemology both challenge the view of knowledge as a detached, intellectual activity. Do you think they are right? How do you think we should think about knowledge? Now that we have concluded the section on epistemology, write about what kind of thing you think knowledge is.
This is a very complex subject, so complex that philosophers still discussing today. We all have our on opinion about knowledge but I kind of agree with the pragmatism view of knowledge as a detached, intellectual activity.
Even though the feminist Epistemology critiques the concept of gender towards men and the way they influenced the conception of philosophical knowledge I liked the pragmatism view better. For example, on page 157 the author says that there is no division “between the knower and the world, and if any of our ideas are mistaken, our experience will reveal those mistake to us.” That’s something that we all had experienced some times in our lives and this kind of experience reassures what pragmatism says about knowledge.
I believe that pragmatism deals with knowledge in a way that the average people can deal and relate with. I can see that when “Dewey called his version of pragmatism “instrumentalism”, because he viewed ideas and beliefs (which for me means knowledge) as instruments for dealing with the situations we face in life.” With that statement I understood knowledge in a very simple(r) way.
Pragmatism and Feminist Epistemology both challenge the view of knowledge as a detached, intellectual activity. Do you think they are right? How do you think we should think about knowledge? Now that we have concluded the section on epistemology, write about what kind of thing you think knowledge is.
This is a very complex subject, so complex that philosophers still discussing today. We all have our on opinion about knowledge but I kind of agree with the pragmatism view of knowledge as a detached, intellectual activity.
Even though the feminist Epistemology critiques the concept of gender towards men and the way they influenced the conception of philosophical knowledge I liked the pragmatism view better. For example, on page 157 the author says that there is no division “between the knower and the world, and if any of our ideas are mistaken, our experience will reveal those mistake to us.” That’s something that we all had experienced some times in our lives and this kind of experience reassures what pragmatism says about knowledge.
I believe that pragmatism deals with knowledge in a way that the average people can deal and relate with. I can see that when “Dewey called his version of pragmatism “instrumentalism”, because he viewed ideas and beliefs (which for me means knowledge) as instruments for dealing with the situations we face in life.” With that statement I understood knowledge in a very simple(r) way.
At 5:04 PM, Professor Roger said…
The quote from Dewey you use fits in nicely here, and you use it very well to support what you say here. I think you definitely have the general idea of what this is all about.
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